Here you will find answers to many common questions
You only need an Oz Gun Broker account if you want to place a listing on our website or interact with any of our built in features.
You most certainly can, you can contact the seller directly from the information found on the listing page, as well as the contact form found on each listing page.
We have one of the cheapest listing prices in Australia. You can add a listing for $8 for 90 days or for an additional $2 you can make your ad Featured, which makes it more promenant on our site. We also have great dealer prices, so if you are a dealer and want more info, head over to our contact page and get in touch.
If you are buying or selling firearms on Oz Gun Broker, you will need a current firearm license,
It is easy to access your user dashboard, rather then just link to it here, we will tell you how to get there. You can get there two ways, the first way, simply click on your name at the top of the page, just to the right of our logo. The other way is at the bottom of the page in the footer area under the account area.
Firstly, congrats on selling your item. You need to mark your item as sold, you do this by managing your listings and editing the listing that has sold. Then at the bottom near where you agree to the terms etc, simply check the box to mark it as sold and then press the update button. All sold items must be marked as sold within 72 hours of the sale, as per the Terms & Conditions.
If you are selling a firearm, you must list your firearm license number and the serial number of the firearm in the listing. We provide the firearm license number text field and serial number text field in the form you complete to place your ad.
You sure can, simply go to the User Dashboard and click on manage listings, then select the Edit button beside the listing you want to edit.
Of course we have discounts for dealers, please use the form on the contact page to get in touch and we will set you up with a dealer account.
To see how many listings you have left, simply go to your User Dashboard and look at your recent orders. As you see in the image below under the details column, it tells you what your limit is, as seen below, it is 6 and then it shows the used listings, as seen below it is 0 used.
If you did not find an answer here, please contact us.